Village of Inglewood

      November 4, 2024                                                                                                                                                                                            6:30 PM

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Albert Nielsen with Jerry Abrahamson, John Nielsen, Greg Goree and Mark Clausen present. The Chairman announced the posting of the Open Meetings Act. It was then moved by J. Nielsen, seconded by Abrahamson and carried, to approve the minutes of the last meeting and to dispense with the reading. One Keno check for $3,570.74 was received and an ALLO franchise fee payment of $125.40.

Account balances as follows:

RVR Bank    thru 10.31.2024 

General Checking Balance - $47,494.51
Keno Checking Balance - $116,304.85
Street Checking Balance - $280,448.91
Bond Fund Balance - $81,175.30
12-month CD Balance - $ 572,810.03

The clerk/treasurer’s report was read and approved by a motion from Goree and second from J. Nielsen.

REPAIR REPORTS (street/sign repairs, etc.)
Several streetlights were reported as out or malfunctioning, one on Ridgeland and two on Boulevard. The clerk will contact the Street Department to repair the lights. A pothole at the intersection of Boulevard and Broad was also reported. Goree Excavating will be asked to fill in the pothole. Goree Excavating will order a new street sign for Hidden Meadows Drive and no parking signs for the street.


The chairman spoke with Keith Kontor from the Utilities Department in Fremont about the inspection that was done on the sewer lines on Hidden Meadows Drive.​

1. Several residents have replaced their roofs and did not obtain building permits, which were required. The clerk was directed to write them letters asking for them to apply for the building permit that was needed for their new roofs.

2. The Chairman spoke with the village engineer about starting to prepare bids for the relocation of the lift station and for pebble coating all the roads in the village. The bids will probably go out at the beginning of next year with the work starting in the spring.  Pebble coating is a cost-effective way to overlay the roads. The first overlay will be in 2025 and a second overlay in 2-3 years to help seal it. After that the overlay will need to be done once every 5-7 years. 

1. The remaining residents with conditional use permits sent in the renewals and the trustees voted to approve all the applications since no complaints have been received concerning any of the permits. A motion was made by J. Neilsen and a second from Abrahamson to approve permits for Bilava, Martindale, Victory Marine, Wagner and Myers.

2. Rodger Menn came before the board to obtain building permits for the first 4 homes on Hidden Meadows Drive. The Chairman presented a letter from the Fremont Department of Utilities that they had inspected the sewer and water lines going into the subdivision and certified the lines were ready to be used. After some discussion about the flood plain regulations and the approved original covenants, the permits were tabled until the next meeting so the trustees will have time to go over the originally approved in the covenants. The homes will be 3 bedroom and 2 baths with a loft area and two car garage. The cost to build the homes will be $164,140.00. The subdivision has 19 lots but homes will only be built on 16 lots leaving the remaining lots as a common area or park. The addresses for the first homes were approved. They will be on the north side of the street starting with 500 through 506 Hidden Meadows Drive. Menn will contact his engineer with the questions the trustees had about the design plans an get back to the trustees at the next meeting.

3. Resolution 409-2024 the certification of the street superintendent was approved by a motion from J. Neilsen and second from Clausen.

4. Hemal Patel came before the board to get approval to start the second stage renovation of the Shell Station. The trustees approved the plans and the clerk will delivery the building permit to the station. Clausen made the motion and Goree seconded the approval.


1. The clerk received a complaint about a property on Main Street and was directed to write a letter to the property owner to clean up the lot or the village will hire someone to remove all the clutter and trash.

2. The clerk presented the trustees with the updated village map the engineer had submitted. The Chairman will speak to the engineer about what the cost for the map would be if more detail was added to it. It currently shows original lot sizes and does not have individual properties as the lots have been subdivided.

PAYMENTS, BILL & REIMBURSMENTS                                                     

Albert Nielsen - Chairman - meeting attendance- $150.00

Jerry Abrahamson - Vice Chairman - absent- $100.00

Greg Goree - trustee - meeting attendance - $100.00
John Nielsen - trustee - meeting attendance - $100.00

Mark Clausen - trustee - meeting attendance - $100.00
Barbara Shelton - clerk - salary - $450.00  meeting attendance - $50.00 phone reimbursement -$45.00- Total $545.00
Dept of Utilities (auto pay) - hall utilities at 140 Boulevard - $197.25

Emanuel Printing - Small Talk - $65.00

Teresa Wallin - lawn service and park clean up - $185.00

Column Publishing - legal publications - $31.11

LNM -  additional dues - $112.00

USPS - 2 rolls stamps - $146.00

Stephanie Montgomery - 1 hall inspection - $20.00

ALLO Communications - long distance - $1.35

Barbara Shelton - reimbursement ink cartridges and envelopes (Staples) - $171.17



Barbara Shelton  - reimbursement for soccer goal purchase - $246.09


Dept of Utilities - highway lights - 1157 S Broad - $89.57

Dept of Utilities - street lights - 132 Boulevard - $248.00

NDOT - final invoice Cloverly project - $23,882.26



Bills and reimbursements were approved for $26,489.80 with a motion from J. Neilsen and second from Clausen. An additional invoice from Goree Excavating for street sign repair was presented for $540.00. Grand Total bills and reimbursements for $27,029.80 were read and approved with a motion from Clausen and second by Abrahamson with Goree abstaining.

The regular meeting was adjourned by a motion from J. Nielsen and second by Clausen.

ATTEST:                                                                                                                                                                  APPROVED:                                                                              
Barbara Shelton, Clerk                                                                                                                                     Albert Nielsen, Chairman


                                                                          MINUTES OF EMERGENCY MEETINGS

                                                                               INGLEWOOD BOARD OF TRUSTEES

November 10, 2024                                                                                                                                                      6:00pm

The emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Chairman Albert Nielsen with Abrahamson, J. Nielsen and Clausen present. Goree was absent.


The Chairman is requesting permission from the trustees to seek outside legal council concerning the Hidden Meadows subdivision. The village attorney said his firm has a conflict of interest in the matter since they also represent Rodger Menn. The Chairman explained what issues need to be discussed with an attorney concerning the subdivision and asked for permission to contact John Zimmer, who the village has previously used. After some discussion a motion was made by Abrahamson and second from J. Nielsen to allow the Chairman to contact two attorneys, John Zimmer (Kline/Williams) and Shane Placek (Sidner Law) and see if one of them would be willing to look at the village concerns with the subdivision and covenants and advise Inglewood in how they should proceed at the next meeting in December. The vote for the approval was unanimous.


The meeting was adjourned by a motion from J. Nielsen and second by Abrahamson.


______________________________                                                      _____________________________

ATTEST:                                                                                                                   APPROVED:
Barbara Shelton, Clerk                                                                                   Albert Nielsen, Chairman
